Home FAQ Custom Bot Modules Documentation Donate


Home FAQ Custom Bot Modules Documentation Donate

Modules Overview

Here you can find all modules we have done till now.
But you can order everything you want!

(Except AI functions & active voice channel music)


Version: 4.2.0

Our flagship module with many many features & commands to manage your tickets perfectly. It will add many features like private voice channels, html logs, feedback function etc and it adds up to 9 commands!

Vacation System

Version: 2.1.0

A module to manage the vacations of your team members or players easily! You can submit a vacation request for a specific period and the bot will automatically take care of the roles, messages & reminders.

Counting Channel

Version: 1.0.2

The members of your server must try to count as far as possible together. In doing so, they must ensure that no one counts directly one after the other or incorrectly. The bot checks the members' messages and decides whether the counting series has been continued correctly.

Self Roles

Version: 1.0.0

An embed where your server members can get roles for themselves. By just clicking the buttons, this is absolutely easy. Up to 25 roles possible.

Suggestion Command

Version: 1.1.0

A command that your server members can use to write a rating. Either to the server, to a server member or to an order. This rating is then sent to a special channel.

Welcome & Bye Messages

Version: 1.1.0

Activates automatic messages when users enter or leave your server. It is also possible to generate personalized images with the user's name & profile picture.


Version: 2.0.0

Our EmbedCreator is ideal for creating and sending embeds flexibly and quickly. The setup is quick and the possibilities are therefore very versatile. An adaptation for the author or the banner is not difficult, we have thought about an optimal editing of the content within Discord. Here we show you how to set and use everything.

Birthday Command

Version: 1.0.0

Let your members enter their birthday and automatically receive a congratulatory message!


Version: 1.0.0

Have a look about your server activities! Message Edit & Delete, Roles Add & Remove Voice Channel Activities and more are included!

Levelling System

Version: 2.0.0

Let your members level up and receive roles as rewards. Everything is individually configurable.

Member Counter

Version: 2.5.0

Show your server stats on the top of your channels. Possible stats are the number of all members, members with special roles and channels. You can set an automatic goal too!

Verify Embed

Version: 1.3.0

Create an embed with your set of rules and give your users the opportunity to verify themselves with a button.

WaitingRoom System

Version: 1.0.0

Inform your support team when someone enters the waiting room so that the waiting time is minimized!


Version: 1.0.0

Define the prize, the number of winners, the expiration date, write a small nice description and you're done. The giveaway will be sent out and ready for joining. No more writing external messages that don't fit the giveaway at all. Why not combine? :)

Link Filter

Version: 2.2.0

With our LinkFilter you have control over who can send which links and where. It is also compatible with our ticket system so that links can be specifically allowed in all tickets.

AFK Command

Version: 1.1.0

Your users can easily set themselves AFK by command. When they are pinged, the other users receive information on how long and why someone has been AFK. As soon as they return, they automatically leave the AFK status.


Version: 1.0.0

Set up reminders that will not let you forget your tasks. Very useful for you or your team if there are regular tasks!

DM Feature

Version: 1.0.0

Give your users the opportunity to write to your team privately via the bot! The bot automatically receives and sends messages.